Monday, May 16, 2011

Mummy Radar

My instincts were correct!  Sammy went into the clinic this morning after I emailed Dr. C. to tell him how the night had been.  Sammy had been in pain and awake in that semi-consious state all night...I knew something was not right...deja vu!

Once in the clinic, Daisy whipped us back to get vitals done and immediately put us in a room as Sam had such pain.   The nurse practitioner  said it could be the result of the steroids accumulating in his body, getting more aggressive as they have been in his system for so long now.  The doctor, Dr. G. felt there was more to it and found a red ear along with flushed cheeks.  He put two and two together and came up with infection.  No fever???  Well, Sammy's counts are no longer in the neutropenic range so, just like you or I, he can get an infection without getting the tell-tale fever.

I had the foresight to numb Sammy's chest and finger.  It is a habit I have when we go to the clinic....they usually stick something in him!  It was a blessing because Sam could get accessed and have a culture taken, along with morphine and antibiotics.  He is already allergic to Vecomycin, getting Red Man's Syndrome if it is administerd too quickly.  The doctor mentioned Ceftriaxone and I told them Sam had developed a hive last time he had that (or at least I thought it was that) in the Stamford ER.  The decision was made to administer it anyway and then come to their own conclusions about allergic reactions.  It was, after all the best choice for the situation.

My super guy asked me to go get him some food from the store.  He was about to be accessed so I offered to wait. He preferred I got the comfortable is he with this stabbing the chest thing now!!!   I was very impressed.  Blood could be drawn immediately and a culture is growing to check for a line infection.  We will cross that bridge if we come to it (one day at a time).  Cefrtiaxone given through IV, hives developed, Benadryl given, allergy confirmed, (told ya), and now they had to decide how to proceed in order to best beat this infection.  In total Sammy fashion, he leaned over to me and quietly said, "See, I told you it wasn't the steroid feeling I usually get. I know it was something different."  Can you imagine a young seven year old begin so acutely aware of his own body?  Cancer kids are...they are amazing and will be great people when they grow up.

So Sammy is still accessed with tubes dangling from his chest,  He will return to the hospital tomorrow for more antibiotics, get his weekly chemo a little early, stay home from school as he will be a wreck just from the battery of junk pumped into him, and we will wait for the all clear on the culture.  Another dose of antibiotics will be given at home by mouth.

Monday is a day for kids who are in earlier stages of treatment.  There were so many more bald heads than on Thursday.  It took me back and reminded me of how far we have come.  This is a speed I caught because my body ached with worry over Sammy's condition.  I love my instincts, I trust them, I will always listen to them.  We are lucky...words I used in my earlier posts...we really are.  Cancer stinks, what Sammy has to go through is too much for a small child, but we are lucky to be where we are now...with a future, a party to look forward to...hope!


  1. Brave little guy. Thank God you have hones your instincts and learned to trust them.

  2. On Friday my two-year-old niece (Arla) was rushed to hospital with suspected meningitis. She has Down’s Syndrome, which means she’s more susceptible to most illnesses (except cancer, apparently).

    I went to see her (and my sister) in hospital over the weekend. The first time I’ve been in a children’s ward, and it’s heartbreaking and inspiring at the same time.

    I couldn’t help thinking of you and Sammy while I was there.

    The one thing I was really impressed with was the staff. They were amazing. I think you’ve got to be a special sort of person to work in a children’s ward, haven’t you?

    Of course, the strength of the kids is breathtaking.

  3. Hi...I made my way here after a post over at ThumbinMyWay. This is the only post I've read so far here and all I can say is that my heart goes out to you and your family big time. As a mother of two myself (they are both grown now), and a grandmother to one, I can only imagine....My son suffered from asthma growing up. There were 911 calls, emergency room visits, steroid inhaler, nebulizer machines and quick trips home at lunch to administer breathing treatments. That seems like less than nothing, compared to what you all are going through and I'm saying a little prayer for your strength and encouragement today. May you all experience great LOVE.

  4. I once had a pediatrician for my kids who would not prescribe, make orders, or even diagnose without my input. He believed Mother Knows Best!
    Always follow your instincts!

  5. Yeah for Mommy instincts!

    Boo that Sammy has to go through more stuff, but it seems he is super aware of changes in his body so at least between the two of you, hopefully you've caught "whatever-it-is" early enough.

    You guys are definitely in my prayers!

    Visiting from The Blogging Buddies Social Network

    Give the kiddo a hug for me!

    Come on home - mom blog
    Working at home advice

  6. Such a lot to deal with for such a little boy. How brave [and resilient] is he along with his amazing mum [which of course goes without saying for mum's of children who are sick]

    First off. Congratulations to you both. And to the rest of your family as well for coping with this challenge the way that you have and for writing a blog about it to inform and inspire the rest of us!

    Thank you Katy.

    And thank you Sammy.

    You have my blessings and good wishes from way over here in Australia.


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