The Photo Journey

Here I will try to put a pictoral account of our journey.  We have a lot of photographs to upload, so many more will be added over time.  Some date back to the first week. 

Newly Diagnosed at Montefiore CHAM 

Home from the hospital...trying to keep things normal

CHAM 3 Clinic -trying to get meds into Sammy with Chololate Syrup!

 Back in Hospital for more getting thinner and coming out in clumps

The four hour medicine - one slurp at a time with chocolate syrup

Writing Thank You cards

Staying up late drawing 

The Port

Getting ready for radiation

Wired for radiation

Sedated with mask on for radiation

Radiation Hero trophy and mask after the week was over

At CHAM 4 waiting for blood draw

 At CHAM 4 - getting finger prick -not happy

CHAM 3 - waiting to see the doctor

In the Clinic - waiting for chemo

Halloween 2009

Introducing Sammy to his Kindergarten class

Showing the book about Sammy's Leukemia to the class on the screen

Kim from Child Life reads There's a Monkey in My Chair

I read Sammy's book to the class and answer questions

Christmas 2009

A day in school....making gingerbread houses !

 Christmas Dinner - Oven broken, we headed for Hibachi



  1. Hi Katy, everyone should take the time to read the journal and look at the photos. Thankyou for giving me the opportunity to do so.

    Neil from Australia.

  2. Sammy. Your story truly is full of power. I send my congratulation to you & your family for showing others how to stand tall, in the face of tough times. I am so proud of you. I am so proud of your family. Isn't it cool -- how you've been able to share with others? I am so glad to get to peek in on you and see how much you've grown up over this Superman adventure. You've taught me a lot this morning & I'm grateful.


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